The Betrayal Of Trust In Great Expectations, A Novel By Charles Dickens

Charles Churchill, an English humorist, once said: “Keep up appearances; there’s a test.” The rest will be yours.” This was originally meant to poke fun at untrustworthy politicians for telling lies. This is true for both fictional and real life situations. Appearances can be misleading and may not reflect reality. This can lead to betrayal and even the destruction of friendships. Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations shows Magwitch and Compeyson that people aren’t always as they seem. Magwitch is an ex-partner in crime with Compeyson, so their lives are built around lies.

Magwitch does crimes for survival. He “first [becomes] aware” of Magwitch, while he is living in Essex. 42). Magwitch steals everything, despite it being illegal. Magwitch is able to change his life after meeting Pip while fleeing from prison. Magwitch manages an impressive amount of money. But, Magwitch discovers that “no varnish will hide the grain of the timber; and that the varnish the better the grain will be expressed” (320; see ch. 39). It’s not about being wealthy. It’s not just about money. It’s also about social elegance. This skill must be acquired over time. Magwitch realizes this and decides to give Pip the chance to become the man he never was. Miss Havisham’s wealth was stolen by “he” who practices on her affection so that he [gets] great money from her…on the plea he must manage it all when he is her husband” (320). 39). Compeyson takes money from Miss Havisham once he made her fall for him. Compeyson leaves Miss Havisham just days before their wedding. He’s even described as having “no heart but an iron file, he [is]] as cold and deathly as the Devil,” (342; ch. 42). Compeyson is the cause of most of what happens in the story. Magwitch first notices Compeyson’s handsome appearance, with his black and curly hair, his pocket-handkercher and white clothes. Magwitch is struck by the weight of the evidence and Magwitch’s testimony when Compeyson is brought to trial. 42). Compeyson attempts to appear like a gentleman by convincing the court system that Magwitch is the primary victim. Compeyson is a master of deception and trickery.

Compeyson & Magwitch use deceit to achieve two very different ends. Magwitch uses deception to be accepted and fit in, but Compeyson uses it for selfish reasons and makes money off those who believe his lies. It is not uncommon for people to deceive others in real life. This is especially true for politicians. They often present a false view of themselves to win office. In order to win public support, they may claim to support certain religions or minorities. They create a false public image by making lies and promising the world. It’s too late for the public to catch on to this travesty. There are many ways to deceive others and it is not common for people to be honest.


  • seanevans

    Sean Evans is a 29-year-old school teacher and blogger who resides in Utah. Sean is an advocate for education and believes that every child has the right to a quality education. In addition to teaching, Sean also enjoys writing and has a blog where he discusses various topics related to education. Sean is an active member of the community and is always looking for ways to help others.